1) Which of the following describes a vector quantity? a) It has magnitude but no direction. b) It has no magnitude but has a direction. c) It has both magnitude and direction. d) It has no magnitude or direction. 2) Which of the following is a scalar quantity? a) force b) displacement c) velocity d) density 3) Which of the following is an example of a magnitude of a physical quantity? a) 10 m/s, towards CDO b) upward c) 56 kg d) 50 N, 20° N of W 4) A vector can be represented by an arrow. What will the length of such an arrow represent? a) direction b) origin c) magnitude d) tail 5) Which of the following is an example of secondary direction? a) North b) East c) west d) southeast 6) In the given diagram, what is the direction of vector A? a) 30° E of N b) 30° S of E c) 30° N of E d) 30° S of W 7) Which among the vectors in the figure has a direction NW? a) vector C b) vector A c) vector B d) vector D

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