1) Where is the sofa? a) kitchen b) living room c) garden d) bathroom 2) Where is the teddy bear? a) playroom b) playground c) kitchen d) garden 3) Where is the kettle? a) bedroom b) bathroom c) garden d) kitchen 4) Where is the dress? a) garage b) living room c) wardrobe d) kitchen 5) Where is the toilet? a) bathroom b) livingroom c) playroom d) bedroom 6) Where is the bench? a) playroom b) garage c) kitchen d) park 7) Where is the desk? a) school b) restaurant c) cafe d) kitchen 8) Where is the tiger? a) garden b) house c) zoo d) park 9) Where is the encyclopedia? a) animal shalter b) zoo c) bathroom d) library 10) Where is the  pool? a) library b) garden c) park d) playroom

My House Bilsem EGG (Educationwithgames) eTwinning


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