1) We'll have to get to..........................of this issue and find out why he did it. a) bottom b) heart c) centre 2) She has enough on her plate with her son's health., losing her job must have made her even more distraught. a) unwilling to do something b) extremely worried 3) Even though she's outgoing and confident, she gets easily ...............when she comes up against the tiniest problem. a) flustered b) flastered c) flestered 4) Are you squeamish?  a) not afraid of sight of blood b) afraid of sight of blood, easily disgusted by unpleasant images 5) Take my word for it: one day he's going to get his ..................., and it will serve him right. a) comeupance b) comeuppance 6) He's quite a cocky little boy who tends to play up when his parents are busy. a) to be naughty b) to play nicely 7) I don'r really relish the thought of having to get through this backlog of paperwork. a) enjoy b) want 8) I couldn't get my head round what had happened and why he was feeling so distraught. a) believe something b) understand something complicated 9) We've decided to give you the benefit of the ..........................and let you off. a) doubt b) uncertainty c) unsure 10) Don't take the mickey out of him because you might rub him up the wrong way. a) to mock, to tease somebody b) to make somebody angry c) to trick somebody

Chapter 4 Advanced everyday English

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