We eat dinner together every day. , We go for a walk in the park., We usually go to the movies. , We watch TV on Fridays., We play sports on Saturdays. , We chat about our day. , What do you do on the weekends? , I play sports on the weekends., What do you do on Mondays?, I paint pictures on Mondays. , I play games with my mom. , I play football with my friends on Mondays., My brother and I listen to music at nights. , What do you do with your family?, Yesterday was Thursday., My brother is watching television now. , We are happy now. , What do you do on Tuesdays?, I read a book on Tuesdays. , What grade are you in? , I am in fourth grade. , My sister is smart. , My mother is cooking now. , There are apples on the table now. , My bag was white yesterday., I rode my bike on the mountains last year. , I found a job two years ago. , I go on adventures every summer. , I watch TV for two hours a day. , I do exercises twice a week. , Do you visit your relatives very often?, When do you go to school?, What time does your lesson start?, I play with my friends during break time at school. , I always help my parents to do chores. , John doesn't live in Manchester., George brushes his teeth twice a day., She doesn’t study English on Monday., It snows a lot in winter in Russia., My brother takes out the trash., My sister works at the theater., My sister doesn’t speak good English., We drink milk every morning., Ankara is in Turkey. , She doesn't teach English., Mary enjoys cooking., Water freezes at 0°C., Do they talk a lot ?, Julie talks very fast., I like geography and science.,

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