1) My granny has got two white ... . a) goose b) geese 2) This ... is lazy. a) men b) man 3) Shark has got 300 ... . a) tooth b) teeth 4) ... are very strong animals. a) Deer b) Deers 5) My friend has four purple and orange ... . a) fish b) fishes 6) A lot of ... like to play computer games. a) children b) childrens 7) Do ... play football? - Yes, they do. a) women b) woman 8) ... don't like cats. a) Mouses b) Mice 9) Why is this ... sad? a) children b) child 10) A ... runs well. a) sportsman b) sportsmen 11) These white ... are happy. a) sheeps b) sheep 12) I don't know this ... . a) person b) people 13) This ... is weak. a) ox b) oxen 14) ... like to travel. a) Peoples b) People

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