1) He has ___money left. 他還有剩一點錢。 a) a little b) a few 2) He has _____dollars left. 他還有剩幾塊錢 a) a little b) a few 3) How ____ money did you get? 你得到了多少錢? a) much b) many 4) How ____ dollars did you get? 你得到了多少美元? a) much b) many 5) There's ___cheese. 有一些奶酪。 a) some b) any 6) There isn't ___cheese. 沒有任何奶酪 a) some b) any 7) 1.There _____ car parks in the center of Oxford. 牛津市中心沒有任何停車場 a) aren't any b) isn't any 8) Eating out is expensive here. 在這裡吃飯很貴 There aren't _____ cheap restaurants 沒有便宜的餐廳 a) any b) some 9) 3.There are ______ expensive new flats near the river. 河邊有很多非常昂貴的新公寓 a) many b) much 10) We have got ______ oranges. 我們有幾個橘子 a) a little b) a few 11) We have got ____money. a) a little b) a few 12) She hasn't got __friends. a) any  b) much 13) How____ cheese is there in the fridge? 冰櫃裡有多少牛奶? a) much b) many 14) They have got___ butter in the tub.他們在浴缸裡放了一些奶油。 a) some b) many 15) Mr. Blank hasn't got __grandchildren. Blank先生沒有孫子。 a) a few b) any 16) I haven't got __money this month. 這個月我沒有多少錢 a) much b) many 17) Gary has got _pencils in his pencil box. Gary的文具盒裡有幾支鉛筆。 a) a little b) a few 18) We need __butter to make the cake. 我們需要 一點奶油來做蛋糕 a) any  b) a little



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