Blanche - Food is immersed into boiling water then plunged into ice cold water to stop the cooking process, Coat - To cover a food with a batter, sauce or other protective coating, marinate - Foods are covered in a liquid or paste for a length of time. This helps to make the food more tender after cooking and it adds flavour, Mix - Combine ingredients evenly with a spoon or mixer, blend - Combine two or more ingredients together to form a paste, usually a starchy powder with a liquid, portion - The amount of a particular food that is served to one person, puree - To grind or mash food until it forms a smooth, thick mixture, pass - a liquid or puree is put through a fine mesh sieve or strainer to make it smooth and lump free, bake blind - Cooking a pastry flan case without the filling, cream - To beat and mix an ingredient or a combination of ingredients to a smooth, creamy consistency,

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