1) The Prophet’s p.b.u.h, first wife was called Sayyidah a) Aisha the daughter of Abu Bakr r.a b) Hafza the daughter of Umar r.a c) Khadijah r.a the daughter of Khuwaylid. d) Juwayriyya bint al-Harith 2) The Prophet p.b.u.h and Khadijah r.a had ………………………..daughters and two sons a) 1 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6 3) What were the names of the Prophet p.b.u.h daughters? a) Zaynab b) Ruqayyah c) Umm Kulthoom d) Fatima e) Khadijah f) Hafsa 4) This seerah class is about the youngest daughter of the Prophet p.b.u.h, her name is a) Maryam b) Fatima c) Umm Kulthoom d) zayanb 5) Fatima r.a was born on the 20 th of Jumad il akhira _ _ _ CE a) 605 b) 606 c) 607 d) 615 6) Fatima r.a was ………years old when her Father p.b.u.h was called to prophecy a) 2 b) 10 c) 12 d) 5 7) This was the year (605) that the Kabaa was re_ _ _ _ _. a) re-built b) re-organised c) re-structured d) relocated 8) Fatima r.a was known as the Mother of her Father. She was given this title because a) she was the best women in the world b) she was the the shining one c) she was the pure one d) She looked after her father after her mother passed away 9) Fatima (r.a) got married at the age of _ _. a) 24 b) 18 c) 30 d) 25 10) Fatimah (r.a) was married to Imam _ _ _r.a. a) Umar b) Uthman c) Ali d) Ja'far 11) Fatima r.a and Imam Ali had _ children. a) 5 b) 4 c) 2 d) 6 12) Fatima r.a’s children were called: a) Hassan b) Hussain c) Umm Kulthoom d) Zaynab e) Muhsin f) Aqeel 13) 14. Fatima (r.a) passed away _ months after the Prophet p.b.u.h, around the age of 27/28. a) 3 b) 18 c) 12 d) 6 14) The Prophets (saw) lineage continues through the children of .... and they are know as the ahlul bayt. a) Fatima and Ali b) Fatima bint Asad and Abu Talib c) Ruqayyah and Uthman ibn Affan d) zaynab and Abu'l As 15) Name 4 character traits of Fatima r.a, for example she was very very kind. a) loving daughter b) a sincere Muslim c) especially kind to the poor d) fine manners and gentle speech e) loved luxury and comfort

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