1) Chloe is .......... a) Running b) Run c) Runs d) Walk e) Walking f) Walks 2) The cat is ...... a) Eat b) Eats c) Eating d) Drink e) Drinking f) Drinks 3) The students ......... in the library. a) are read b) is read c) are reads d) reading e) are reading f) is reading 4) They ........ a cake in the kitchen. a) are bake b) are baking c) is baking d) is bake e) bake f) baking 5) She is ...... her homework at the moment. a) do b) are do c) doing d) is do e) is doing f) are doing 6) He is on the phone ....... to his grandma. a) talks b) talking c) talk d) is talking e) are talking f) is talk 7) They are ....... TV in the livingroom. a) watching b) is watch c) watch d) are watch e) is watching f) are watching

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