1) What is CPU a) Code Process Unit b) Command Programing Unit c) Centeral Process Unit 2) What is GPU a) Graphic Processing Unit b) Game Programming Unit c) Graphic Programinmg Unit 3) What is C# and Python a) Game Engine Softwares b) Programing Languages c) Minecraft Texture Packs 4) What is VPN a) Visual Private Network b) Virtual Privat Network c) Virtual Person Network 5) What is tipe of viruse? a) Car b) Scorpion c) Worm d) Snake 6) What is SQL and MySQL? a) Programing languages b) Web designer softwares c) Database Software d) Parts of computer 7) What is Troy a) Virus b) Horse c) Video game 8) What is the Linux a) Designer Software b) Something is similar to JavaScript c) Virus d) Operating System

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