1) What is this insect? a) Bee b) Praying mantis c) Grasshopper d) Ant 2) What is this insect? a) Bee b) Ant c) Snake d) Worm 3) What is this insect? a) Praying mantis b) Worm c) Lizard d) Cockroaches 4) What is this insect? a) Mosquito b) Lizard c) Worm d) Fly 5) What is this insect? a) Fly b) Mosquito c) Worm d) Grasshopper 6) What is this insect? a) Worm b) Butterfly c) Caterpillar d) Fly 7) What is this insect? a) Butterfly b) Moth c) Caterpillar d) Fly 8) Which is an insect? a) b) c) d) 9) Which of the following are insects? a) b) c) d) e) 10) What are the important of insects? a) To let human kill them b) Mantaining ecosystem c) Decrease plantation d) Make environment dirty

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