Tiger - Which is the biggest of the big cats? , Kangaroo - Who jumps higher than other animals? , Bat - Who is the flying mammal ? , Elephant - Who is an animal drinking water with a hose?, Dolphin - Who makes strange noises underwater? , Eagle - Who 's wings are almost 1 meter long ? , Dinasour - Many years ago extinct, but still very afraid, who? , Polar bear - Lives in very cold poles,who ? , Penguin - It's a flightless bird, who? , Owl - It's can turn his head 360 degrees, who? , Octopus  - It's can stick to her face and lives in the ocean, who? , Giraffe - It's can eat leaves on very high trees, who ? , Camel - It's usually lives in the desert, who? , Snake - It's a reptile and can quietly poison you, who? , Shark - Lives in the ocean and has very sharp teeth , who ?, Squirrel - Smaller and more cute than other animals, who? , Rat - People don't like her, some are poisonous, who?, Deer - The horns are big and flashy, who? , Crocodile - Who lives on land and in water is very sharp teeth, who? , Lion - Very strong and all animals are afraid of roaring, who?, Monkey - It's a herbivorous animal with a long tail, who?, Bear - Lives in the forest and loves honey, who ?, Cheetah - Who's faster than other animals?, Koala - Who's more lazy than other animals?, Turtle - Who can live in water and land and is reptile, who? , Lizard - It has different colors and is a sticky reptile, who? ,

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