1) Which word means happy,pleasant? a) Sad b) Smart c) Young d) Calm e) Cheerful f) Angry 2) Which of the following means a person who loves their guest? a) Lovely b) Rude c) Hospitable d) Ugly e) Entertaining f) Sleepy 3) Which word is opposite of hardworking? a) Lazy b) Mean c) Modest d) Tidy e) Honest f) Strange 4) Which word means a person who is fond of his/her friends? a) Attractive b) Hardworking c) Brave d) Friendly e) Stingy f) Bully 5) What do you call people who follow the law and the rules? a) Arrogant b) Disciplined c) Helpful d) Irregular e) Sociable f) Crazy 6) Which of the following words is called people who leave their country and settle in another country? a) Punctual b) Local c) Kind d) Reliable e) Beatiful f) Immigrant 7) Which of the following is the person who does everything on time? a) Generous b) Modest c) Punctual d) Lazy e) Poor f) Young

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