1) I _______ at 6:00. a) go to school b) have lunch c) take a shower d) wake up 2) I ______________ at 6:15.  a) wash my face b) go to bed c) exercise d) wash the dishes 3) I _____________ at 6:30.  a) practice the guitar b) have breakfast c) go shopping d) read a book 4) I ________________ at 7:00. a) read a book b) wash the dishes c) get dressed d) go to school 5) I _______________ at 7:15. a) feed the dog b) have dinner c) wash the dishes d) read a book 6) I ______________ at 7:30.  a) leave home b) read a book c) get dressed d) do the laundry 7) I _______________ at 8:45. a) exercise b) read the newspaper c) have lunch d) arrive at school 8) I ______________ at 9:00. a) start my lesson b) drink tea c) have lunch d) read the newspaper 9) I _______________ at 10:00. a) leave school b) play with my friends c) wash my hands d) do my homework 10) I _____________ at 12:00. a) wash my face b) do the laundry c) play with my computer d) have lunch 11) I _____________ at 16:15. a) arrive at school b) run to school c) leave school d) clean my face 12) I _____________ at 18:00. a) eat dinner b) arrive at home c) do my homework d) feed the dog 13) I __________ with my family at 18:15. a) have dinner b) do my homework c) play with my friends d) sleep 14) I do my homework _________ dinner. a) into b) after c) to d) then 15) Sometimes , I __________ TV . a) look b) see c) watch d) read 16) I sleep at _______. a) 9 pm b) 9 am

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