1) Which food group does this food belong to? a) Protein b) Fruit and Vegetables c) Dairy Products 2) What food group does this food belong to? a) Fats and Oils b) Dairy Products c) Non-Dairy Sources of Protein 3) What food group does pasta belong to? a) Carbohydrates  b) Dairy Products c) Fruit and Vegetables 4) What food group does this food belong to? a) Vegetable b) Fruit c) Carbohydrate 5) What food group does this food belong to? a) Dairy b) Fat  c) Vegetable 6) What food group does this food belong to? a) Fruit and vegetables b) Protein c) Dairy 7) What food group does this food belong to? a) Fruit and vegetables b) Protein c) Carbohydrate 8) What food group does this food belong to? a) Carbohydrate b) Protein c) Fruit and vegetables 9) What food group does this food belong to? a) Fruit and vegetables b) Carbohydrate c) dairy 10) What food group does this food belong to? a) Fat b) Dairy c) Vegetable 11) What food group does this food belong to? a) Fat b) Vegetable c) Dairy

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