1) The wind can ... a plant's seeds over a large area. a) erupt b) disperse c) project d) extend 2) The area received no rain during the ... a) drought b) pollutant c) facility d) reign 3) Microscopes allow scientists to ... small objects. a) compact b) provoke c) magnify d) correlate 4) He .... an outline before writing his essay. a) maintained b) negated c) formulated d) detected 5) While many people resisted the new dress code, I ... it. a) embraced b) appeased c) related d) spurred 6) The cat ... into the dark alleyway. a) deposited b) targeted c) vanished d) dotted 7) Deforestation may lead to ... of many species. a) sarcasm b) exception c) productivity d) extinction 8) Many new laws attempt to ... the airline industry. a) regulate b) disperse c) compete d) underestimate 9) The scientist made a minor ... modification to make her theory stronger. a) slogan b) intellectual c) simulation d) modification 10) Many critics believe Gladiator to be one of the greatest ... movies of all time. a) meteoric b) sacred c) epic d) reserved

DDP Building Skills for the TOEFL iBT Reading Chapter 5 & 8


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