1) How is the weather? a) rainy b) snowy c) windy 2) How is the weather? a) cloudy b) windy c) snowy 3) How is the weather? a) hot b) cold c) windy 4) How is the weather? a) windy b) cloudy c) stormy 5) How is the weather? a) partly cloudy b) snowy c) hailing 6) How is the weather? a) windy b) cloudy c) sunny 7) How is the weather? a) windy b) stormy c) foggy 8) How is the weather? a) foggy b) cloudy c) rainy 9) How is the weather? a) sunny b) partly cloudy c) windy 10) How is the weather? a) hot b) cloudy c) lightning

6th Grade/Unit 4/Weather and Emotions

Skor Tablosu



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