1) I __________ long hair. a) have got b) has got 2) She ____________ orange hair. She is very beautiful. a) has got b) have got 3) I_____________  green eyes. a) has got b) have got 4) My father ____________ glasses. a) has got b) have got 5) Elephants _______________ big ears. a) has got b) have got 6) A fish ___________ feet. a) hasn't got b) haven't got 7) They _________________ straight hair. a) has got b) have got 8) We ___________ curly hair. a) haven't got b) hasn't got 9) It __________ a long tail. a) hasn't got b) has got 10) She __________ short hair. a) hasn't got b) has got 11) I __________ black hair. a) have got b) haven't got 12) She __________ small eyes. a) hasn't got b) has got

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