George eats fruits every day, We visit the dentist twice a year, Susan has a terrible headache, Mary feels tired because she has a fever, You shouldn't eat chocolate or candies, He should have a rest, I don't feel well, You don't need medicine, I should see a dentist, What is the matter with you ?, Alex shouldn't listen to loud music, She has a terrible sore throat, You should drink mint and lemon tea, He shouldn't drink cold drinks, She should wear thick clothes, He should stay in bed and have a rest, I have a pain in my back, I need to see the doctor, She needs some pills, There is a pain in my hand, My ear hurts a lot, You should brush your teeth every morning, I can't do sports for three months, I think I have a cold, Peter's leg hurts so much, He can't go to school for a week, Jane should take her medicine, You should drink lots of warm water, We shouldn't eat junk food, You should stay in bed all week, What should he do ?, Where should he go ?, What does she need ?,

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