1) The snail is ... a) fast b) slow c) tall 2) The cake is ... a) sweet b) sour c) fast 3) Fire is ... a) hot b) cold c) light 4) Ice cream is ... a) hot b) cold c) light 5) The rock is ... a) light b) heavy c) sweet 6) The watermelon is ... a) big b) fast c) small 7) The giraffe is ... a) short b) light c) tall 8) The cloud is ... a) heavy b) light c) short 9) The lemon is ... a) sour b) sweet c) hot 10) The boy is ... a) fast b) slow c) tall 11) The bird is ... a) tall b) short c) big 12) The flower is ... a) cold b) sweet c) small

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