1. Swimming helps to increase your strength and ____.2. Because the hotel is ____, it is impossible to reserve a room without booking a year in advance. 3. She is ____ to colds. 4. Because the ____ building is such an eyesore, it is being demolished in a week. 5. He's still learning and when he ____, he'll be unstoppable. 6. I think I can come but I won't ____ till I know for sure. 7. I only had time to pack the ____ essentials. 8. He was so ____ about everything. 9. Through the mist I could just ____ a vague figure. 10. Silk dresses are easy to ____ up if not carefully handled. 11. I feel exhausted, but also ____. 12. The ____ looked like a long stone road going into the sea. 13. The water was as ____ as glass. 14. Since the house is located in the most ____ area of the city, it is sure to cost several million dollars.15. She's ____ to exaggerate, that's for sure. 16. Outdated textbooks, ____ buildings, overcrowded classrooms - the list of problems is long and growing. 17. Learn how to distill large quantities of information into their ____. 18. She planned her trip in ____ detail. 19. I can't ____ your writing. 20. Take care not to ____ your dress by packing it carelessly. 21. Mix the sugar mixture to a ____ paste. 22. He still had a lot of ____ anger to release. 23. The infection will ____ your white blood cells (лейкоциты) and trigger your immune reactions. 24. There's ____ it but to get some extra help. 25. We don't know what life holds ____ for us. 26. As he approached the last mile of the marathon, the runner was reaching his level of ____.He wasn't a very ____ sort of person. 27. Kids are all ____ to eat junk food. 28. The painting had been executed with ____ attention to detail. 29. As the tense muscles begin to relax, sometimes ____ emotions are also freed. 30. The wind ____ her hair and skirt. 31. How can we ____ the students into taking the responsibility for their own work? 32. Don't ask me to play the piano! I'm ____. 33. The food was excellent and the wine was ____. 34. He ____ with influenza symptoms on Tuesday evening. 35. A long day was ____. 36. We employed a lawyer to straighten our legal ____. 37. She smoothed her ____ hair.The ____ presented his muzzle for scratching. 38. I used to be able to play well but I'm ____ now. 39. Linda speaks ____ Arabic. 40. Who knows what the future has ____ for us? 41. His financial affairs are in such a ____. 42. She allowed her imagination to ____. 43. The agent tried to ____ him out of his deposit and Marc's trying to sort it out. 44. It was ____ curiosity that made me ask. 45. She has nothing but ____ for the new generation of politicians. 46. When police officers questioned him, he became ____ and tried to hit one of them. 47. You have to go through endless ____ to get a residence permit. 48. The building was closed purely on the ____ of safety. 49. She refused his offer tactfully , allowing him to go away with his pride ____. 50. My mother's dog is only an old ____ but she thinks the world of him.There's a surprise ____ for you. 51. Most parents try to steer a middle course between imposing very strict discipline and letting their kids ____. 52. The whole property development proposal was a ____. They never intended to build anything. 53. Arming the police doesn't ____ crime. 54. He accused them of discrimination on the ____ of nationality. 55. I ____ you walking home all by yourself. 56. Only the medieval tower had remained ____.

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