streak - if you say that someone has a particular ____, you are talking about a part of their character that is different from or more extreme than the rest of their character, slacker - someone who is rather lazy and does not make any effort to work hard or do their job properly, behind somebody's back - if you do something ___, you do it without them knowing, undermine - to gradually make someone or something less strong or effective, bitchy - unkind and unpleasant about other people, stand up for - to support or defend a person or idea when they are being attacked, lighten up - used to tell someone not to be so serious about something, exaggerate - to make something seem better, larger, worse etc than it really is, get ahead - to be successful and do better than other people in a job or work, put up - to build something such as a wall, fence, building etc, come across as - seem to be, appear to be, take over - to take control of something, stubbornness - the quality of being determined not to change your mind, even when people think you are being unreasonable, laid-back - relaxed and seeming not to be worried about anything,

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