1) To feel a) back b) stiff c) devastation d) uneasy 2) to pitch a) stiff b) into shock c) back d) aid kit 3) to seem a) into shock b) like a lifetime c) devastation d) aid kit 4) first a) aid kit b) to oneself c) like a lifetime d) the time of one’s life 5) utter a) devastation b) like a lifetime c) something for good d) aid kit 6) to be scared a) into shock b) uneasy c) stiff d) back 7) to come a) to oneself b) stiff c) like a lifetime d) back 8) to go a) back b) into shock c) like a lifetime d) uneasy 9) to leave a) the time of one’s life b) something for good c) back d) like a lifetime 10) to have a) stiff b) the time of one’s life c) something for good d) aid kit

Unit 2 Lesson 2 (І. В. Калініна та І. П. Самойлюкевича)

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