convivial - (adjective) pleasant and friendly in manner and attitude, cajole - (verb) persuade someone to do smth by pleasant talk and sometimes false promises, eclectic - (adjective) combining different types, styles, methods, etc., dismal - (adjective) sad and without hope, dwindling - (adjective) gradually becoming smaller in size or amount, or fewer in number, perplexed - (adjective) confused because smth is difficult to understand or solve, ubiquitous - (adjective) seeming to be everywhere, dearth - (noun) an amount or supply that is not large enough, conversely - (adverb) in an opposite way, exacerbate - (verb) make smth that is already bad even worse, assiduously - (adverb) in a way that involves great care and attention to detail, engulf - (verb) surround and cover smth or someone completely,

Vocabulary boost 1 (Advanced)


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