What is your favourite music genre?​, Where and when do you usually listen to music?​ , What music genres are the most popular in your country?​ , Has your taste in music changed over the years? What kind of music did you use to enjoy when you were younger that you don’t anymore?​ , What song lyrics do you remember the most? Can you sing or repeat some of the lyrics?​ , Can you play any musical instrument? Which one? why?, How often do you listen to music? , Do you play music while you study, or work? If so, how do you concentrate on the other things? , Have you ever been to see your favourite musicians live? Were they as good as on the CD? , What is your favourite music? Did you like it the first time you heard it? , Is there any music you can’t stand? What is it, and why don’t you like it? , Have your tastes in music changed a lot over the last five years? How? , Do you think music can heal sick people?.

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