The woman in the next street parks her car in front of your driveway., Your daughter bites her nails. This annoys you., You quarrelled with your best friend.Now you're sorry! You want to be friends again., Your boyfriend/girlfriend asked you to marry him/her but you said no. Now you regret it!, You have three sons. You want a daughter., You're on a skiing holiday. There isn't enough snow. You want more., You can't play a musical instrument. You want to be able to do so., You didn't work very hard at school. You failed your exams. Now you regret it!, You have brown hair. You want blonde hair., You'd love to be able to dance well., Your friend always interrupts when you are talking., You painted the living room green. It's a horrible colour! Now you're sorry!, A colleague in your office has an annoying cough., You scraped the side of the car. There's a big scratch there now., You ate too much at dinner. Now you regret it!, It's Tuesday. You're in the office.You want it to be the weekend., You sold your bike. Now you're sorry!.

Wish cards


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