Gastritis - Inflammation of the stomach, Neurology - Branch of medicine concerned with the study of the nervous system, Nephrosis - Malfunction of the kidneys, Hepatitis - Inflammation of the liver, Tachycradia - Abnormally rapid beating of the heart, Odontoscope - Small mirror used by dentists to view the teeth, Osteomyelitis - Infection of the bone marrow by bacteria, Myalgia - Pain a muscle or muscles, Nephrectomy - Surgical removal of a kidney, Electrocardiogram - Graph showing the heartbeat, Osteoclasia - Destruction of bone by surgery or disease, Periodontitis - Disease in which plus forms at the roots of the teeth, Hypodermic - Injection of fluid under the skin by means of a syringe, Oomycosis - Fungus infection of the external ear and ear canal, Polyneuritis - General inflammation of the peripheral nervous system, Endocarditis - Inflammation of the heart lining, Dermatologist - Specialist in diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases, Gastrectomy - Surgical removal of apart of the stomach, Neuralgia - Server pain along a peripheral nerve, Myasthenia gravis - Disease in which the muscle are weak and tire easily,

Medical Terminology

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