1) I don’t like this book. It is ______ interesting ______ cheap. a) both - and b) either - or c) neither - nor d) not only - but also 2) Neither Linda nor I _____ classical music. a) liking b) liked c) like d) likes 3) The baby is only two months old. He can ____ speak ____walk. a) neither - nor b) either - or c) both - and d) not - nor 4) John is very poor. He has ______ house ______ money. a) both - and b) either - or c) neither - nor d) not only - but also 5) Neither my friend nor I _____ that movie. a) don't like b) likes c) doesn't like d) like 6) ___ Linda ___ Helen called to say sorry. I'm very sad and frustrated. a) Both - and b) Either - or c) Neither - nor d) Not only - but also 7) Neither my brother ________________ my mother knows about this. a) both b) neither c) and d) nor 8) ________________ of the girls know how to dance. (= Both girls are bad dancers) a) too b) either c) neither d) nor 9) He ________________ has a cat or a dog. I can't remember. a) too b) either c) neither d) nor 10) I left it ____ on the table ____ in the drawer. a) either - nor b) neither - or c) either - or d) neither - nor

Elect 6A Chapter 4 neither-nor / either-or


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