Spain - Came for Gold and to convert Natives, France - Came for Fur trade, England - Came for religious freedom , Self Government - Making your own rules for you and your colony, Virginia House of Burgesses 1619 - 1st assembly, Plymouth 1620 - Where Pilgrims landed , Mayflower Compact 1620 - 1st legal agreement , Pilgrims - Came for religious freedom, landed at Plymouth, Puritans - Landed and Massachusetts Bay, Thomas Hooker - Founder of Connecticut , Fundamental Orders of Connecticut 1639 - 1st written constitution , Lord Baltimore - Founder of Maryland for Catholics, Roger Williams - Kick out of Mass. Bay and founded Rhode Island, William Penn - Quaker who founded Pennsylvania , R.C.M. N.H. - Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, 2 New Penns Dude - New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Vir. Mary owned 2 Caro. In Geo. - Virginia, Maryland, N. Carolina, S. Carolina, Georgia, New England - Cold, Rocky soil, Fishing, Ship building, Middle Colonies - Mild, wheat, rye, barley, Bread Basket, Southern - Hot, Tobacco, cotton, rice, plantations, slaves, Tobacco - First major cash crop of the south, Mercantilism - Controlled trade that benefits the mother country only,


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