Large intestine - Water is absorbed here, Small intestine - 90 & of digestion happens here & nutrients are absorbed here, Stomach - Food is churned and & mixed with gastric juices here, Oesophagus - Food moves through this muscular tube to the stomach, Mouth - Digestion starts here, Liver - This makes bile and dissolves fats, Pancreas - This produces enzymes and insulin, Ingestion - The process of taking food into the mouth, Egestion - The process of removing of undigested waste, Absorption - The process of absorbing nutrients into the bloodstream, Assimilation - The process of using nutrients in the body for energy, growth & repair, HCL - Kills Bacteria & Activates Pepsinogen, Pepsin - Enzyme that breaks down protein, Peristalsis - Rhythmic contraction & relaxation of the walls of the alimentary canal ,

Functions of the Digestive system

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