1) Leila works as a teacher. a) Present Perfect b) Past Simple c) Present Simple 2) You worked on your homework last night. a) Present Perfect b) Past Simple c) Present Simple 3) He played basketball in the 7th grade. a) Present Perfect b) Past Simple c) Present Simple 4) She plays with her friends at the weekend.  a) Present Perfect b) Past Simple c) Present Simple 5) She has played tennis she was 5 years old. a) Present Perfect b) Past Simple c) Present Simple 6) Megan has worked for many years as a teacher. a) Present Perfect b) Past Simple c) Present Simple 7) Present simple is used for a) things happening in the moment b) habits 8) Present Perfect is for a) things that happened in the past and we know when b) things that started in the past and continue in the present 9) Past Simple is used for a) things that started in the past and continue in the present b) things that finished in the past and we know when 10) I learned about past simple a) in 6th grade. b) since 6th grade. 11) I haven't learned about present perfect a) yet. b) already. 12) Have you learned about present perfect a) yet? b) already? 13) I quit gymnastics  a) since I was 12. b) when I was 12. 14) I have been a teacher a) when I was 23.  b) since I was 23.  15) I know that I have to use SINCE with a) past simple b) present perfect

Quiz, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Present Simple


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