1) She ....................... her key so she couldn't enter the flat. a) lost b) had lost c) had losed d) losed 2) When the guests ........................we had already eaten all cakes. a) had come b) had came c) came d) come 3) We .............................the map so we got lost. a) had taken b) hadn't taken c) took d) didn't take 4) Before they bought a house they...................................a lot of purchase offers. a) checked b) had check c) had checked d) didn't checked 5) ..................................many applications before she got a job? a) She had sent b) Had she send c) Had she sent d) Did she send 6) Where...................................before you ...............................to Paris? a) did you live/ moved b) had you lived/ had moved c) did you live/ had moved d) had you lived/ moved 7) After I .........................to play the violin I ..............................learning how to play the piano. a) learnt/ had started b) had learnt/ started c) learnt/ started d) learned/ started 8) I ..........................you .............................there. a) didn't know/ was b) didn't know/ were c) knew/ was d) didn't knew/ were 9) He ................................his mobile so it..........................dead. a) didn't charge/ went b) didn't charge / had gone c) hadn't charged/ went 10) ..............................her that you ...............................dinner yet? a) Did you tell/ didn't make b) Had you told/ didn't make c) Had you told/ hadn't made d) Did you tell/ hadn't made


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