acostarse (ue) - to go to bed, afeitarse - to shave oneself, apagar la luz - to turn off the light, arreglarse - to get ready, banarse - to take a bath, cepillarse los dientes - to brush one's teeth, despertarse (ie) - to wake up, dormirse (ue) - to fall asleep, ducharse - to take a shower, encender la luz (ie) - to turn on the light, entrenarse - to train, lavarse - to wash oneself, levantarse - to get up, maquillarse - to put on makeup, peinarse - to comb one's hair, ponerse la ropa - to put on clothes, la rutina - routine, secarse - to dry oneself, tener prisa - to be in a hurry, tener sueno - to be sleepy,

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