break in - interrupt, break off - stop talking, bring sb round - convince sb, bring sth up - mention sth, burst out - shout, close up - refuse to talk about one's true feelings, come up - (of subject) to be mentioned, drive at sth - try to say sth, dwell on sth - talk about sth for hours on end, find out about sth - learn about sth, fire away - say sth openly, get back to sb - get in touch again, get through - manage to have a phone conversation with sb, hang on - wait (on the phone), hang up - finish a phone conversation, let on about sth - say sth one shouldn't have, point sth out - indicate sth, push sb into sth - make sb do sth, take sth back - withdraw sth one said, talk sb out of sth - discourage sb from doing sth, talk sth over - discuss sth, touch on sth - discuss sth very briefly,


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النمط البصري


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