1) ... Helen ... pizza every day? a) Do ... eat b) Do ... eats c) Does ... eat d) Does ... eats 2) ... Mr Black ... at your school? a) Do ... teach b) Do ... teaches c) Does ... teach d) Does ... teaches 3) ... they ... English well? a) Do ... speak b) Do ... speaks c) Does ... speak d) Does ... speaks 4) Where ... Mary and Tom ... their house? a) do ... buy b) do ... buys c) does ... buy d) does ... buys 5) What ... they ... at the weekends? a) do ... do b) do ... doing c) does ... do d) does ... doing 6) ... the lion ... giraffes? a) Do ... eat b) Do ... eats c) Does ... eat d) Does ... eats 7) ... the Stones ... by car? a) Do ... travel b) Do ... travelling c) Do ... travels d) Does ... travel 8) ... you ... from Germany? a) Do ... come b) Do ... comes c) Does ... come d) Does ... coming 9) ... your granny ... in Prague? a) Do ... live b) Do ... lives c) Does ... live d) Does ... lives 10) ... the children ... the zoo every month? a) Do ... visit b) Do ... visits c) Do ... visiting d) Does ... visit

What do you fill in? Choose the correct answer.

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