1) A long time ago, people used to ... their clothes by hand. a) washing b) wash c) washed d) use e) used f) do 2) Now, many people use ... machines to wash their clothes. a) wash b) washing c) washed d) hand 3) In the 1950s, many people ... to the radio for entertainment. a) used b) listen c) listened d) watch e) watched f) use 4) Now, we ... too much TV. We shouldn't do that. a) watch b) watched c) used to watch d) listen e) listened f) used to listen 5) Long ago, people ... oil lamps to see in the dark. a) have b) used to have c) had d) used e) has f) having 6) Now, we ... electric lights to see in the dark. a) use b) have c) had d) used e) has f) uses 7) In the 1950s, many people used ... phones with an operator. a) to have b) had c) have d) to use e) use f) used 8) Before cars, people ... by horse and carriage. a) travelled b) travel c) used to travel d) didn't travel e) didn't use to travel 9) People ... travel by horse and carriage 200 years ago. a) use b) did c) didn't d) didn't use to e) did use to 10) Before taps, people ... water from pump outdoors. a) used to get b) use get c) get d) got e) didn't f) did use to get

Big English 4 Unit 6 - Revision 3


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