1) How many periods are there in the periodic table? a) 4 b) 7 c) 9 d) 11 2) What do the groups in the periodic table have in common? a) The number of outer most electrons b) The exactly same characteristics c) They have same melting and boiling points d) None of these 3) The atomic mass tells the number of ____________________ in an atom. a) Electrons and neutrons b) Electrons and protons c) Protons and neutrons d) All of these 4) A crystal of sodium chloride is held together by a _________________ a) Covalent bond b) Metallic bond c) Ionic bond d) All of these 5) Covalent bonds are formed between atoms _____________________ a) by sharing of electrons b) by gaining of electrons c) by losing of electrons d) All of these 6) In an exothermic reaction, heat is ____________ a) absorbed b) released c) destroyed d) conserved 7) In a displacement reaction, a) One reactant is high in reactivity than other b) One of the reactants is always water c) The reactants are generally two ionic compounds d) Energy is always produced 8) A ray of light strikes a plane mirror at an angle of incidence of 30 degrees, The angle of reflection at mirror is:: a) 30 degrees b) 45 degrees c) 60 degrees d) 90 degrees 9) Which of these are the primary colours? a) Red, Green, Blue b) Blue, White, Red c) Red, Yellow, Blue d) Blue, Orange, Green 10) Which of the given object is translucent? a) Solid wooden door b) Car windscreen c) Frosted glass window d) Brick wall 11) What type of reaction is the following? Methane+ oxygen → Carbondioxide + water a) Synthesis b) Decomposition c) Displacement d) Combustion 12) In a combustion reaction, ______________ is always one of the reactants. a) Nitrogen gas b) Oxygen gas c) Carbon dioxide d) Water 13) Which of the following are products of cellular respiration? a) Carbon dioxide and water b) Glucose and carbon dioxide  c) Oxygen and glucose d) Oxygen and water 14) Muscle soreness associated with strenuous exercise is partly due to: a) The presence of lactic acid produced in muscle cells. b) The large amount of carbon dioxide that builds up in the muscle. c) The accumulation of alcohol from anaerobic respiration d) An excess of glucose that builds up during vigorous exercise. 15) The process of aerobic cellular respiration occurs in ______________ a) Animals only.  b) Plants only c) Both plants and animals.  d) Neither plants nor animals 16) Which given statement is true for inhalation? a) The rib cage moves up and out b) The diaphragm curves and moves upwards.  c) Chest gets smaller d) Air pressure in the lungs increase 17) Which blood vessel carries blood from the heart to the lungs to receive oxygen? a) Aorta b) Vena Cava c) Pulmonary artery d) Pulmonary vein 18) The heart is made of ________ a) Oxygenated blood b) Tissue c) Cardiac muscle d) Organs 19) _________ are tiny and so narrow that it reaches every cell of a body. a) Artery b) Vein c) Capillary d) Arteriole 20) Which blood cells provide the body's main defense against invading microbes. a) Red blood cells b) White blood cells c) Platelets d) Plasma 21) What type of lens is used in a magnifying glass? a) Convex  b) Concave c) Parabolic  d) Plane 22) A converging lens causes parallel light rays passing through it to ________behind the lens. a) Spread out b) Converge c) Diverge d) All of these 23) Which statement best describes the animal kingdom? a) All members are multicellular and have nuclei in their cell. b) Most members are multicellular and have nuclei in their cell..  c) All members are multicellular and their cells lack a nucleus d) Most members are multicellular and their cells lack a nucleus 24) Which of the following is a reason for using scientific names? a) Common names are more difficult to remember b) Scientific names are easier to remember. c) Common names can be confusing or misleading. d) Scientific names are recognized world wide 25) The science of classification is called ___________________. a) Taxonomy b) Biology c) Geology d) Paleontologist 26) Which of the following is the correct scientific name for a house cat? a) Felis domesticus b) Homo sapiens c) Panthera leo d) Canis lupis 27) Which of the following has the highest pH? a) Vitamin C b) Vinegar c) Ammonia d) Pure water 28) What are magnetic poles? a) The areas of a magnet where it's force of attraction is strongest. b) The space around a magnet where the force of the magnet can act. c) An object that loses its magnetism after a short time. d) None of these 29) Magnetism is a type of: a) matter b) energy c) force d) all of these 30) Where is the magnetic force of a bar magnet the strongest? a) In the center of the magnet  b) Midway between each side of the magnet  c) At either end or pole of the magnet  d) The magnetic force is uniform throughout the magnet

Science Quiz 7th


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