1) Her name is … a) Tom b) Rose c) Nick 2) She is … a) two b) eight c) eighteen 3) She has … a) short hair b) long hair c) a plait 4) She has a family. She has … a) no brothers b) one brothers c) two brothers 5) But she has … a) two sister b) a sister c) no sisters 6) She goes to … a) work b) school c) the institute 7) Her favourite subject is … a) England b) English c) London 8) Her favourite sport is … a) ski b) skate c) tennis 9) She is wearing … a) a dress b) a skirt and a blouse c) jeans and a T-shirt 10) She has a … in her hand. a) flower b) book c) schoolbag

Write a story about the girl. Choose the correct variant.

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