T=Technician - E=Employee T: Excuse me.E: Yes? T: Where's the ____? E: Er... I'm not sure. I think it's over there, in ____ two. T: Ok, thanks. S=Storekeeper - T=Technician S: Can I help you? T: Yeah, I need sixteen of these bolts. S: Sorry? T: Sixteen of these ____. S: Do you know the ____ number? T: PV3764 S: Is that PV or PB? T: PV... 3764 S: OK. I need your ____ number. T: That's 0725 S: 0725. OK. S=Storekeeper - T=Technician S: There aren't any here. But I can get some from the main ____. Can you call me in half an hour? T: Sure. What's the ____? S: 784522. T: 784552? S: No, 522. T: 784522. Ok, I'll call you later. S: Right.

Unit 1, p.6 - Listening - Excercise 3


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