1) The First surah in the Holy Quran is: a) Annas b) Al-Ikhlas c) Al-Fatiha 2) The meaning of the العالمين is: a) Only human b) Only animals  c) All Allah's creatures 3) The meaning of نستعين is : a) Ask for help b) Ask for thanks 4) I say بسم الله at: a) The end of every action b) The beginning of every action c) None of the above 5) I say at the end of every action a) باسم الله In the name of Allah b) الحمد لله Praise be to Allah 6) Whoever shows mercy to the people, Allah will show mercy to him a) It is a correct phrase b) It is a Wrong phrase

لوحة الصدارة

النمط البصري


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