Do you think it's important to try new things? Why? Why not?, Do you like to get yourself challenges? Why? Why not?, What kind of activities would require you to step out of your comfort zone?, Have you ever tried something new and been surprised by how you felt about the experience?, Which extreme activities would you find most challenging and why?, What do you usually do when you're feeling tense?, Is there a place that you often visit with your family or friends? How do you feel about it?, What parts of the world would you particularly like to visit? Why?, Have you ever wanted to travel to a particular place you've seen in a film or read about in a book? Where was it?, Would you like a film to be shot in or near your home? Why? Why not?, What do you think 'digital suitcase' means? What would yours include?, What type of school activities can you do with a friend?, How often do you work with a friend after school? Is it a good idea? Why? Why not?, What helps you concentrate when you're studying?, What subjects do you think you would enjoy learning online?, Do you think you would be more or less motivated by a virtual school day? What things might distract you?, How would you organize study classes online?, How does the place you live change from day to night?, Do you prefer spending time in the city or the countryside? Give reasons., Do you think there's really a need for a new type of city? Why? Why not?, Which cities have you visited that could be improved? Give reasons., Would you like to see other buildings underground e.g. your school, sports facilities, a cinema, car parks? Why? Why not?, What kinds of sports appeal to you most?, What is your main motivation for doing sport or exercise?, Have you ever been to a live sports event? What was it like?, Do you know any passionate sports fans? How do they show their support for their team?, Would you prefer to play 'esports' or do 'traditional' sports?, Are you good at seeing things through other people's eyes?, In what situations do you ask for other people's opinions?, What often do you and your friend disagree? , How well do you plan your time? How much organized are you?, Do you usually turn up late or early for things?, Do you get annoyed if other people are late or keep you waiting?, In what situations do you enjoy telling stories?, Are some people more natural storytellers than others? Why?, Has new technology helped or discouraged storytelling? Give examples., Does spending time online stop you from reading books? Why? Why not?, What was the last story that you read? What was it about?, If you could watch a love story or a thriller, which would you go for? Why?, How do your family and friends support you in your life?, How much do we hide from other people in our everyday lives? Is that a good or a bad thing?, What adjectives would you use to describe your personality?.

Gold B2 Unit 8


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