Yes, I walk to school and I always take quick showers. - Do you help protect the planet?, No. He usually rides his bycicle - Does your dad drive to work?, My father drives me on Mondays and Wednesdays. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I take the bus. - How do you get to school?, Yes, I usually take a fifteen minute nap after lunch. - Do you usually take a nap?, We always go to the beach on weekends. - How often do you go to the beach?, We play soccer twice a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays. - How often do you have soccer practice?, We always go on weekends. - How often do you and your friends go to the movies?, My family recycles paper and garbage - What does your family do to preserve the environment?, At about 7:00 p.m. Then we eat dinner together - What time does your dad get home from work?, I love Fridays. I leave school early and meet my friends in the park. We skateboard until 6:00 pm. - What's your favorite day of the week? What do you usually do on this day?,

CNA Basic 2 - Unit 2


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