1) ----- is your hobby?. Drawing a) What b) Where c) Who 2) ----- did you live last year?. In London a) Which b) When c) Where 3) ----- is that man at the door?. My uncle a) When b) Who c) Why 4) ----- are you crying?. I've lost my keys. a) How b) Where c) Why 5) ----- is the cat?. Under the table. a) Who b) Where c) What 6) ---- is her name?. Ana a) Why b) When c) What 7) ----- is your favorite singer?. Katy Perry a) What b) Who c) Where 8) ----- is your birthday?. In August a) Why b) When c) How 9) ----- does your mom work?. At the hospital a) Who b) Where c) Why 10) ------ are you?. I'm fine a) Who b) How c) When 11) ________ is your name? I'm Sara. a) What b) Who c) Where 12) _______ old are you? I'm six years old. a) What b) Where c) How



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