There were long and short term causes of the American Revolution. By the 1770s, many colonists had lost their British ____ and felt no connection to the king or parliament. Instead, they felt ____ and wanted to be ruled by their own people. Another cause was the ____. During this time people challenged the idea that monarchs had a ____ right to rule. Some of these thinkers in the colonies promoted the idea of ____ from Britain. A more significant cause of the revolution was the issue of ____. Britain passed the ____ Acts which meant the colonies were allowed to ____ goods like cotton, sugar and tobacco to Britain only. This meant Britain could set the prices of goods and made the colonists unhappy because they were losing out on ____. Anothter issue was the ____. It had cost the British a lot of money so they increased ____ on the colonists to pay for it. This caused a lot of anger, especially when everyday items such as stamps and newspapers were taxed in the ____ Act. Anger about taxes led to the famous slogan, no taxation without ____. A lot of colonists fought with the British in the war, including George ____. This meant that colonists gained valuable fighting experience and weapons and were more confident about being able to beat the ____ in a war.Two more immediate causes were events that took place in ____. In 1770 a large group of colonists, ____ against taxes clashed with the British soldiers in Boston. The British killed 5 colonists in what became known as the Boston ____. This event was used as ____ and made even more colonists angry at British rule. After this, the British withdrew most taxes, except a small tax on ____ imports, to show they had the right to tax the colonies. A group of colonists dressed as ____ dumped over three hundred crates of tea in the harbour to protest. This became known as the Boston ____. The British responded by closing down the city and putting it under ____ rule. This caused outrage in the colonies. All of these factors ____ to cause the American Revolution.

Causes of the American Revolution

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