Low Voltage/Voltage Drop - This may cause equipment not to function properly and in some cases fail all together, Component/Equipment malfunction failure - Due to many possible causes, this may fail, or an individual component within this, Operation of overload or fault current devices - If too many pieces of equipment are connected to an otherwise healthy circuit this may cause these devices to operate, Arcing - If a connection is loose it may not break entirely but instead produce this. This can result in excessive voltage drop or a fire., High Resistance- Loose connection - Could cause serious voltage drop and excessive heat , Transient Voltages - Lightning Strike - Can cause severe damage to the installation and components. Even the wiring itself could be burned out. , Excessive Current - Overload - Possibly caused by the consumer connecting too much equipment to the circuit, or a machine being subjected to excessive mechanical loading, Insulation Failure - Deterioration - Can cause current to leak either to adjoining conductors or earth. Can cause localised heat and eventually overcurrent, Mechanical Damage - An example being struck by a forklift truck , Short Circuit - When there is a direct connection between live conductors (Live-earth/Live-Neutral/Live-Live), Earth Fault - A high fault current flowing, Open Circuit - The circuit is broken in some way and no current will flow , Signal Fault - When something is controlled by another piece of equipment such as a PLC and it doesn't do its job,
Fault Types
تحرير المحتوى
لوحة الصدارة
عرض المزيد
عرض أقل
لوحة الصدارة هذه في الوضع الخاص حاليًا. انقر على
لتجعلها عامة.
عَطَل مالك المورد لوحة الصدارة هذه.
عُطِلت لوحة الصدارة هذه حيث أنّ الخيارات الخاصة بك مختلفة عن مالك المورد.
خيارات الإرجاع
قالب مفتوح النهاية. ولا يصدر عنه درجات توضع في لوحة الصدارة.
يجب تسجيل الدخول
النمط البصري
يجب الاشتراك
تبديل القالب
إظهار الكل
ستظهر لك المزيد من التنسيقات عند تشغيل النشاط.
فتح النتائج
نسخ الرابط
رمز الاستجابة السريعة
استعادة الحفظ التلقائي: