たべもの - food, のみもの - drink, くだもの - fruit, 休(やす)み - holiday, absence, day off, りょこう - travel, うみ - sea, おみやげ - souvenir, 天気(てんき) - weather, しゅくだい - homework, たんじょうび - birthday, へや - room, 熱(あつ)い - hot (thing), かっこいい - good-looking, cool, こわい - frightening, 安(やす)い - cheap (thing), きれい - clean, pretty, 元気(げんき) - healthy, energetic, およぐ - to swim, きく - to ask , のる - to ride, やる - to do, でかける - to go out, いっしょに - together, すごく - extremely, だいじょうぶ - it's okay, とても - very, どんな - what kind of, ~まい - counter for flat objects, おもしろい - interesting, funny,

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