Father - A child's male parent, Parent - The mother or father, Stepmother - She is married to your father, but she isn't your biological mother., Brother-in-law - Your sister's husband or your husband's /wife's brother, Stepsister - Your stepmother's /stepfather's daughter. She isn't biologically related to you., Half-sister - She shares one parent with you, either your mother or your father., Grandfather - Your father's / mother's father., Great-grandfather - Your father's /mother's grandfather, Adopted child - A child who has become part of a family which is not the one in which he or she was born., Only child - A child who doesn't have brothers or sisters., Siblings - It means the same as "brothers and sisters, but it's a more formal word and it's used for both genders.", Your immediate family - Your parents, children, brothers and sisters., Your extended family - Your uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents, etc., Great-great grandmother - The grandmother of a grandparent, Niece - Your brother's /sister's daughter, Nephew - Your borther's /sister's son, Godfather - Sponsor for a child at baptism,

Family Members


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