1) I`d like to start collecting coins. a) take up b) call off 2) I often go to the gym to excersise.  a) work out b) call off 3) I don`t want to cook. Let`s go to the restaurant. a) go out b) eat out 4) Yesterday I didn`t go to bed until night. I watched a movie. a) stayed up b) took up 5) The weather is wonderful. Let`s leave the house and go to the park. a) eat out b) go out 6) Yesterday was Sunday, so I stayed in bed longer than usual. a) stayed up b) slept in 7) Today is Sunday. Let`s meet and spend time somewhere. a) get together b) go out 8) I`m too busy tomorrow so I have to cancel the meeting. a) work out b) call off 9) I never before sat on a horse, but I`ll try. a) have the day off b) have a go 10) It`s important to find time to read to kids. a) spend time b) make time 11) We`re all tired. Let`s have a rest. a) take a break b) have a go 12) My dad doesn`s work. a) has the day off b) has a go 13) We enjoyed ourselves at the circus last weekend. a) had a good time b) had the day off

Unit 4 - Phrasal Verbs / Collocations


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