bakery - A place where bread, cakes, and pastries are made or sold, bookshop - A store that sells books, butcher´s - A shop where all types of meat, poultry, and game products, in pieces and cuts, fresh or processed are sold, chemist´s - A shop where you can buy medicines, tablets, but also make-up and other things, greengrocer´s - A shop in which fresh vegetables and fruit are sold, jeweller´s - A store that sells, makes and repairs decorative objects, such as those from gold and silver, and precious stones, newsagent´s - A shop that sells newspapers and magazines, as well as some foods and things that people often buy, such as cigarettes, post office - A place where stamps are sold and from where letters and parcels are sent, pharmacy - A shop, a part of a shop, or a part of a hospital where medicines are prepared and sold, sweet shop - A shop that sells candies or cakes, stationery shop - A shop that sells things needed for writing, such as paper, pens, pencils, and envelopes, supermarket - A large shop which sells most types of food and other goods needed in the home, department store - A large shop divided into several different parts, each of which sells different things, corner shop - A small shop, especially on a corner of a road, that sells foods and other things that are often needed, bargain - Something on sale at a lower price than its true value, cash - Money in the form of notes and coins, rather than cheques or credit cards, cashier - A person whose job is to receive and pay out money in a shop, bank, restaurant, etc. , changing room - A room where people can change their clothes, for example before and after sports or, in a shop, where people can try on clothes before buying them, checkout - The place in a shop, especially a large shop, where you pay for your goods, debit card - A small plastic card that can be used as a method of payment, the money being taken from your bank account automatically, discount - A reduction in the usual price, queue - A line of people, usually standing or in cars, waiting for something, receipt - Something such as a pice of paper or message proving that money, goods, or information have been received, refund - An amount of money that is given back to you, especially because you are not happy with a product or service that you have bought, trolley - A small vehicle with two or four wheels that you push or pull to transport large or heavy heavy objects on, shopassistant - Someone who serves customers in a shop, bank account - An arrangement with a bank in which the customer puts in and removes money and the bank keeps a record of it, basket - A light container, often with a handle, that is made of thin strips of metal or plastic twisted together, used for carrying or storing things, to spend - To give money as a payment for something, price - The amount of money for which something is sold,

B1+ Shops and shopping


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