1) I don’t like this book. It is ______ interesting ______ cheap. a) both - and b) either - or c) neither - nor d) not only - but also 2) Neither Linda nor I _____ classical music. a) liking b) liked c) like d) likes 3) The baby is only two months old. He can ____ speak ____walk. a) neither - nor b) either - or c) both - and d) not - nor 4) He _______ a teacher or a doctor. a) is neither b) neither is c) is either d) either is 5) She is ______friendly _____intelligent so I can’t help admiring her. a) not only - but also b) either - or c) both - and d) a and c are both correct 6) John is very poor. He has ______ house ______ money. a) both - and b) either - or c) neither - nor d) not only - but also 7) ______ Linh ______ her sister like listening to pop music. a) Both - and b) Either - or c) Neither - nor d) Not only - but also 8) Neither my friend nor I _____ that movie. a) don't like b) likes c) doesn't like d) like 9) Who wrote you this love letter? - I'm not sure. I think it was ___ Michael ___ Paul. a) both - and b) either - or c) neither - nor d) not only - but also 10) ___ Linda ___ Helen called to say sorry. I'm very sad and frustrated. a) Both - and b) Either - or c) Neither - nor d) Not only - but also 11) ___ Ryan ___ Susie have disappointed me. They didn't come to my birthday party. a) Both - and b) Either - or c) Neither - nor d) Not only - but also 12) He hurt ___ her feelings ___ her dignity. This is unforgivable. a) both - and b) either - or c) neither - nor d) not only - but also e) a and d are possible 13) ___ loyalty ___ honesty are essential in a friendship. a) Both - and b) Either - or c) Neither - nor d) Not only - but also 14) You should ___ disrespect ___ deceive your friends. a) both - and b) either - or c) neither - nor d) not only - but also 15) I will take you ___ to the cinema ___ to the theatre. That's a promise. a) both - and b) either - or c) neither - nor d) not only - but also 16) Neither my brother ________________ my mother knows about this. a) both b) neither c) and d) nor 17) I felt ________________ happy and sad at the same time. a) both b) neither c) either d) not only 18) ________________ of the girls know how to dance. (= Both girls are bad dancers) a) too b) either c) neither d) nor 19) He ________________ has a cat or a dog. I can't remember. a) too b) either c) neither d) nor 20) Not only Lee but also his sons ___ chess very well. a) plays b) has played c) is playing d) play 21) I'm thinking of traveling to either Argentina ________________ Brazil. a) or b) either c) neither d) nor 22) I left it ____ on the table ____ in the drawer. a) either - nor b) neither - or c) either - or d) neither - nor 23) ____ the radio ____ the television works properly. a) Neither - nor b) Neither - or c) Either - nor d) Either - or 24) He ____ could not come ____ did not want to. a) either - or b) neither - or c) either - nor d) neither - nor 25) Not ____ did she refuse to speak to him, but she also vowed never to see him again. a) even b) only c) at all d) always

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